Let's Get Physical

This post is about working out so I immediately performed a 
Google search for "buff squirrel".  Apparently I was concerned
that you people still held out hope that I could be somewhat
normal and I just couldn't let that happen, now could I?

At the North Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists conference held in Asheville at the end of October, I listened to a presentation given by a Heather Winslow, a student at the Raleigh School of Nurse Anesthesia.  Currently a senior SRNA, this chick had run several marathons over the past year while in anesthesia school - even qualifying for the Boston Marathon!  How does she do it?  Easy... she jumps on the treadmill at 2:30 EVERY MORNING before clinical.

I know, right?!

This got me thinking: Maybe if I were to forgo an episode of Glee every so often, I could squeeze a workout into my schedule. Now, I'll be the first to admit that the last thing I want to do in my limited free time is pump iron or bust out some cardio moves - and not just because I'm worried about making those on the machines next to me look bad.  (Though that is a valid concern.)  But whatever.  Spending months on end sitting in either a classroom or the library is not kind to one's body or self esteem... ahem, or so I hear.  Anyway, long story short (riiiiiiight), I started hitting the gym in an attempt to regain some semblance of my old active lifestyle.

Who knew that Brad Pitt and I had so much in common?!
Apart from our dashing good looks I mean.  Obviously.

You know how they say that working out leads to better on the job/school performance and more energy?  It's true!  Well, the "doing better at school" part is true anyway... I can't speak for the gain in energy because you also need sleep for that, so I've pretty much written off my old pal energy until 2011.

[Brad Pitt GIF image from here]

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    # by Dave - April 14, 2010 at 8:28 AM

    Dude, the treadmill video is HILARIOUS! Loved it.