Absence: Making the heart grow fonder?

This week has been bananas.  (In a Gwen Stephanie - not Rachel Zoe - kind of way.)  We had big exams on both Tuesday and Friday and are in the midst of preparing for yet another on Monday morning.   So as much as I hate to go this long without updating TAR (that's "The Anesthesia Report", for those not in the know.  Next up: secret handshakes!), I just couldn't find the time to do that and remain in good academic standing.  Though when you think about it, not having the time to post anything about my life as an anesthesia student is, in and of itself, remarkably indicative of my life as an anesthesia student.

Wow.  That was deep.

Anyway, after 5 consecutive days of studying, thinking about studying, or feeling guilty for not studying, I blew off some steam with a few classmates over dinner and drinks at the 1st Street Draught House.  It's now my new favorite hangout!  Of course, this means next to nothing when you consider the fact that I'm an anesthesia student and have approximately no social life to speak of.

(L-R) Laura, Sue, myself, & Anne

The big news of the night was that St. Terese's Pale Ale surpassed Bass Ale as my 2nd favorite beer to date.*  It was delicious!  Seriously, I die.  (In a Rachel Zoe - not The Sixth Sense - kind of way.)

P.S. You can't possibly imagine the level of restraint I summoned to keep from posting this video in place of the banner photo.  Not only do its lyrics speak to the soul-crushing sense of abandonment you must have felt in the wake of my blogging absence, but the video presentation is just so wrong on a myriad of levels.  I love it.

* 1st is Carolina Brewery's seasonal offering of Santa's Secret.  That stuff is liquid happiness from a tap.