Behavioral Interview Questions

I'm realizing that I am, quite possibly, the luckiest girl alive.  You know that beer that I told you was my new second favorite brew?  I arrived home the other day to find three bottles of the stuff hanging out in my fridge, just waiting to be consumed after a long day of class.  To think, I'd been sitting on an ETOH goldmine for two whole months!  In addition, I successfully found my sister's email containing a list of behavioral interview questions.  It was originally sent on June 19, 2002, so yeah.  Oh, and I have a really cute boyfriend.  Like I said: Lucky.

Anyhoo, below is the lengthy list of questions.  Like I mentioned previously, they were originally given to me as I prepared for business interviews, though I also found them to be helpful for my grad school interviews.  A fair number of these questions may not be related to nursing or anesthesia per se (I tried to alter them to make them as CRNA-specific as possible), but the point is to get your mind thinking big picture while helping you to identify specific examples from your life experiences that you can draw upon in an interview setting.  My suggestion would be to go through the list and answer each question.  Basically, just do whatever it takes to avoid looking like this:

Wow.  Just... WOW.

What is your most significant accomplishment?

Why do you believe you are qualified to be an SRNA?

Have you ever accomplished something you did not think you could?

Describe a time when your performance went above and beyond expectations.

What do you like/dislike most about your current position?

What are your career goals?  Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?  10?

What are your most significant strengths?

What are your most significant weaknesses?

Why should we select you for the position?  What kind of contribution would you make?

Why do you want to attend this institution?

Describe a personality type that frustrates you and one that you get along with best.

Name a time when you were stressed, what did you do?

In a situation when you had to motivate someone, what did you do?

Give me an example of a class/task you like and why.  Example of one you didn't and why.

What do you consider growth in a new job?

What do you consider new challenges and learning experiences?

What do you like most about your current job?  Least?

Give me an example of a time or something you achieved that made you proud.

Give me an example of a situation of going above and beyond.

Give me an example of a situation handling an irate patient/family member/colleague.

What are you looking for in a school?

What are you looking for in a career?

Why are you interested in [name of school]?

Why are you interested in anesthesia?

Do you read any nursing/anesthesia publications?

If I opened your closet, how would I know that you were organized?  (My sister fielded this question from more than one company.  She was also asked to describe her closet.)

What is your most embarassing moment?

What is the most serious confrontation you have had?  What did you do?

What was your most challenging course/nursing situation?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

How would your boss describe you?  Your co-workers?

Describe the working environment where you will be most successful.

If your parents were flies on the wall, what would they see you doing at work?

What is your definition of exceptional nursing care?

What additional information (or 1 piece of information that we have not talked about) would you like me to know about you?

Tell me about a time when you had an unpleasant experience in the work place?  What did you do?

Name a time when you had to make a quick decision?  What did you do?

Have you ever been unsure of a decision?  What did you decide and why?

What is the best compliment that you have received from a co-worker?

What is the most constructive criticism you have received?  How did you respond?

How would your friends describe your strengths and weaknesses?

Give an example of a time on a team when you had to bite your tongue?  When you had to tell a member to do something?

If you did not get the position, what do you think would be 1 misconception that we would have made?

Hopefully these practice questions will help you to better prepare for your interviews.  If all else fails, you can always reference "The Puppy Who Lost His Way", followed by a compliment of the school's football team!

"I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul"
is probably without a doubt the best film quote of all time.

Now, my little darlings... go forth and get accepted!

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    # by Amy - November 6, 2010 at 10:28 AM

    Thanks for the feedback, David! Also, I checked out the website and there is a lot of really good info there - great find! Thanks for passing it along.