Good Times!

I have a test tomorrow morning (notice a trend here?) and I spent most of my weekend studying for the thing.  But, that doesn't mean I didn't have any fun...

On Friday night, my classmate, Kate, and her husband, Sid, hosted a potluck for our group, which featured good food,

Good company,

And good... ummm... Guitar Hero.


I capped off the weekend with a visit to the movie theater with my classmate, Laura, to see New Moon. 

I 100% expected heads to turn when the camera flash went off
before the movie began.  No one seemed at all surprised.
It's as if it's perfectly normal to capture the
moment one sees New Moon on film.

It was a blast.  And listening to the entire audience sigh in disbelief when 17 year-old Taylor Lautner removed his shirt was, in and of itself. worth the $7.00 ticket price.

In a related story, I want need this shirt:

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!