Why Didn't I Think Of That?

You know when you hear about new products or ideas and your all, "man... I so had that!"?  You know, like the way you felt after you first laid eyes on "The Slanket".

...or the "Split Ring Key".

Well, my classmate, Lashaunda, just sent us all an email with a helpful hint for remembering dosages of paralytic agents and it's just so brilliant that I can't help but kick myself for not thinking of it first and then patenting the heck out of it.

CVP: Cisatracurium, Vecuronium & Pancuronium - 0.1 mg/kg
MAR: Mivacurium, Atracurium, & Rocuronium - 0.2, 0.4, & 0.6 mg/kg (respectively)

Mad props, Lashaunda.  Mad props.