SEE Exam

In just a few minutes I'll be heading out to take the SEE Exam (Student Evaluation Examination), which is kind of like a pre-board exam that Baptist students take during the summer between junior/senior year.  Our score on the exam doesn't affect our grades in any way, so a lot of people don't do anything to prepare for the test.  I, however, am anal and wanted to at least somewhat prepare for the test so that I might use my score to assess my studying methods before I take the boards next year.  So I've been studying - albeit intermittently - since classes let out in mid-May and actually want to do well.

Wish me luck!  And be sure to think of me, sitting in front of a computer at 8:00 am EST... but try not to get jealous of my rock-star lifestyle and all the fun that just can't seem to stop following me around.

BRAINY UPDATE: I just got my test results back and I actually fared pretty darn well!  Actually, I fared amazingly well given that I felt like I blindly guessed on 97% of the questions.  All I have to say is that the real exam is going to suck.  Hard.

[Photo from Pink Wallpaper]