I'm Back! (To be read with an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent, of course,)

I just returned from a fabulous and fun-filled week long vacation in which I jetted off to Hermosa Beach, California to visit one of my best friends, followed by a trip to Dallas to hang out with my sister and her hubster.  Photos are below.  But first, a little music to set the mood:

While in California, I rode my bike on the Strand (i.e. the boardwalk), laid on the beach, hiked along the coast, attended a Bar Method fitness class, waddled around for the next 24 hours as a result of said Bar Method class, ate great food, and enjoyed a fun night at a local comedy club.  Not too shabby for 4 days of leisure!

My ride

Next stop: Dallas, Texas.  I had the chance to meet all of my sister's coworkers and, later, played on their baseball team, the Bernstein Brewsers.  We narrowly lost the game, but had a great time... and I had three base hits!  Go me!  I also had lunch with my boyfriends parents, who live in the Dallas area.  Oh, and did I mention that my sister and I also had a spa day?  Tough life, I tell ya.

Play ball!

Katie's bruise, acquired while playing catcher.  It looks a lot worse
in the photo than it did in person if that tells you anything.

Team pic!

But that's not all!  I found out on Tuesday that my boyfriend would be arriving home a few months early from his deployment to Iraq.  He was home by Saturday (!!) so I made a quick stop in Tennessee that afternoon before flying home to North Carolina on Sunday.  Not a bad way to end an already spectacular week, if I do say so myself!

Overall, my trip was great.  It was both fun and relaxing and, while I had a great time, I'm excited to be home and ready to become a SENIOR.  (Just under) one year down, (just over) one to go!