Lightwand Intubation Technique

We recently had the opportunity to hear one of Baptist Hospital's Anesthesiologists discuss airway considerations.  He mentioned an online video, filmed and uploaded through WFUBMC, which demonstrates a Lightwand Intubation.  This is one of the difficult airway techniques that we were able to practice last week in the cadaver lab and it was pretty incredible to see and do.

Click here to view the full list of videos related to Lightwand Intubation.  (Scroll to the bottom to see the technique in practice.)

If you're considering anesthesia school, this alone should sell you on the idea.  I mean, come on, we get to play with light wands for heavens sake. They're like the health care provider's version of a lightsabre!

... Just don't show up to your graduate school interviews wearing braided hair buns on either side of your head.  Consider yourself warned.

[Click on photo for source information]