Krumping... I mean Cramming!

Ever since our clinical rotations began last month, our time spent in the classroom has drastically decreased.  While I used to spend every Monday through Friday staring wide-eyed at the PowerPoint slides whizzing by and praying that our lecturer would cut his or her rate of speaking by half, this feeling of confusion and hopelessness mixed with utter fear is now reserved for Tuesday mornings.

One would think that this would be a positive turn of events and, for the most part, it is.  The one major downside, however, is that I now rarely get to see my classmates - 23 of the brightest, funniest, and most driven individuals I'll likely ever come across - and this makes me sad.

I especially miss getting my learn on (note: not a grammatical error) with my study group.  I've always studied solo in the past and, at the time, I really thought it worked for me.  But I'm a convert.  Studying with the right people, though often a bit more time-intensive, has really helped me to retain important concepts and perform better on my exams than I would otherwise.  Plus it is so, so fun.  Because after two hours of dedicated review, Dave, Kathryn, Chris, and I would often krump to release stress before returning to our studies.  This may or may not be true.

That's Chris right there, in the tight, curve-hugging jeans...

I have a test tomorrow morning and, because our new schedules are no longer conducive to group study sessions, I'll be studying on my own.  If you need to find me, I'll be the one in the library who is sitting in the corner alone, crying into a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream while mumbling something about "the good ol' days".  You know, back when I was young, vibrant, and studied with other people.