This blog, it is a-changin'!

After much pestering, Rachel, the lovely wife of my classmate, Dave, has agreed to write the first TAR guest post!  This is incredibly exciting for a number of reasons:

1. As I stated at the outset, I'm just one person.  With that comes one person's experiences and viewpoint and that makes for a pretty narrow range of covered topics.  That's great if your my stalker, but not so wonderful for anyone else who reads this little blog in the hopes of actually gleaning useful information from its pages.  There are a number of major issues that factor into choosing Nurse Anesthesia as a career path and succeeding as an SRNA - kids and spouses, for example - that I simply cannot speak to, but which are of great interest to many.  So I'm hunting down people that can expand on these topics and coercing them into doing just that.*

2.  I get to click the "Post This" button, without having written a lick of text myself, and POOF!!  A post appears.  It's like magic!

3.  Rachel is amazing.  She's the kind of girl you meet and think to yourself, "please, Lord, look out for any other women who marry into Dave's family because there is no way they will be anything less than second-rate daughters-in-law compared to this gem of a human being."  (No really, that thought literally entered my head upon first meeting her.  You can ask Dave.)  I can only hope that a tiny smidge of Rachel's awesomeness will rub off on the blog.  If so, legions of people will flock to this site and I'll be famous.  Move over, Perez!

The lovely Rachel and her SRNA beau

So check back every so often, as Rachel's entry related to life as the spouse of an SRNA should make its way online over the weekend or early next week!

* I cannot comment on my blackmai- I mean, coercion tactics at this time.