(Likely to be) Sleepless in Seattle

Well, it's finally here:  The AANA Annual Meeting, held this year in Seattle, Washington!  This is great news for a number of reasons:

1. The view of the mountains surrounding Seattle gives one a false sense of being in a high-altitude location.  This means that when I get tipsy after one beer, I can tell myself that it's a result of the altitude rather than my low-tolerance to alcohol stemming from my pitiful social life.

2.  I get out of clinical for a week.  Whheeeeeeeeeeeee!! 

3.  I'll have the opportunity to campaign for the AANA Student Representative position and I'll know the results by Monday!  Win or lose, it will be nice to have the stress of the campaign process behind me.

Now, as my sister and her poorly hidden diary were all to aware of growing up, I can not keep secrets.  This is great for you because it means that you get a sneak peak of the tee-shirts and fliers we had made for the campaign!  In the words of my former sorority sisters during Rush: "Get excited, ladies!!"

 (Click on photos to enlarge)

Dr. Rieker, rocking the campaign tee

...Though, unfortunately, she cannot see Russia from her house.

For those of you heading to Seattle, I look forward to seeing you and ask that you consider voting for me as your student representative!

* Please note that Adam, my campaign manager, and I went to a lot of trouble to take a photo with a CPR practice baby... because CPR babies need love too!

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    #1 by Dave - August 6, 2010 at 6:30 AM

    very funny.

    how many times can we vote? is it like american idol where you can keep calling in? if so, then i've got your number on speed dial.