Another One Note tool from my new hero Jeff Cardon

Those of you who have kept up with this blog for awhile now might remember that I wrote a rather lengthy (and, boring, according to my "buddy", Adam) post detailing the popular options for electronic note taking.  (Read the post here.)  I continue to use OneNote, though I have since upgraded to the newest version after my computer crashed.*

I love this program so much, that if identical twins are in my future,
I will seriously consider naming them "Microsoft" and "OneNote". 
Sounds crazy, but they could just go by "Mike" and "Owen".
See?  I've TOTALLY thought this through!

For those of you using the 2010 version of OneNote, take a gander at the link below.  It enables users to view each slide as an individual page!  Not content with being freaking awesome, the program takes it up a notch and labels your pages for you, based on the first few words on each slide (which is usually the slide title).  You may not think this is amazing now, but just wait until you need to find that one slide on 2,3 DPG's effects on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve from the 176 slides based on that one lecture two weeks ago.  Trust me, this will happen.

So how does the tool work?  First, import your PowerPoint document just as the 2010 version advises and all the slides will still end up on the same page.  Then, once you've downloaded the tool from the link below, you can click on the "Add-Ins" tab that appears on your toolbar.  The link gives you directions from there. 

To access the One Note Tool, click here.

* That was a super fun day.