
I spent last week at home, enjoying the holidays with my family in Virginia.  Besides engaging in my trademark three-hour naps almost daily (a rare and enviable talent),  I also...



Got my hairs cut

Gave belly rubs to this one

Posed for the family Christmas Photo


Laughed at the antics of my brother, boyfriend, and bro-in-law

Did I mention that I napped?

Had men's formalwear photoshopped onto the
grotesquely obese body of my female cat, Bubbles.

Hung out with my sister best friend

And, as you've probably noticed, had fun messing around with my boyfriend's new Cannon 7D SLR camera.

What didn't I do?  Read a lick of anesthesia texts.  Believe it.  And while I'll probably regret that oversight once classes resume next week, it sure was glorious at the time.  Like, the-first-time-you-tasted-Nutella glorious.