
I’m currently in Orlando where I’ve been busy moving as well as periodically shaking.  On Tuesday I met with my fellow AANA Education Committee members and to say that we accomplished a lot in one day would be a Titanic-sized understatement.  From 8:00 am until 5:30 pm we discussed and finalized plans for the 2011 Assembly of School Faculty (Orlando, FL) and Annual Meetings (Boston, MA) as well as organized agendas for the following year’s meetings (to be held in San Diego, CA and San Francisco, CA, respectively).  As the Student Representative, I determined the 2 topics to be covered at the Student Session held at the 2012 AANA Annual Meeting and I think they’re going to be really interesting and informative!  I’ll be a CRNA by the time that meeting is held (woot!) but I’m hoping to sneak in and see all of our work come to fruition.  These are a mere fraction of the topics we discussed throughout the meeting, which is why we needed deserved a treat at the end of the day:

Mmmmm, meat!  I’m a Mid-West girl through and through.

I ate so much delicious food at Charley’s Steakhouse that I was still uncomfortable the entire next day.  Please note, however, that I am NOT COMPLAINING.  It was so worth it.

Yesterday my fellow Education Committee Members and I attended and assisted with the Faculty Development Workshop.  Its been really eye opening to hear about the many topics (budget, enrollment, attrition, clinical site concerns, etc.) that our faculty members must manage.  It definitely makes me appreciate the (often thankless) work that our administrators perform to provide us with clinical and classroom training.

... But that's not all!  Today marks the beginning of the Assembly of School Faculty hosted by the Education Committee.  Participants get to enjoy a full day of lectures today, a half-day tomorrow, and another full day of information on Saturday.  We have a large number of students at the conference and I'm hoping to get to meet and get to know those that attend the Student Meet and Greet tonight.  Should be fun!

Alright, NOW I'm done talking.